Saturday, October 1, 2011
Setelah sekian lama aku tidak menulis ceritaku di dalam Bahasa Melayu, aku dapat merasakan standard bahasaku kian menurun. Selama ini bahasaku sentiasa bagus, aku sering dipuji guru-guruku mahupun semasa berada di sekolah rendah ataupun sekolah menengah kerana lenggok bahasaku yang indah. Namun, kini aku berasa kekok untuk menulis walaupun satu perenggan. Hari ini, aku berasa tersentuh dan kagum dengan dua orang guru Bahasa Melayu yang tidak hanya manis mulut di bibir tetapi hamburan kata-kata nasihat yang singgah di telingaku bagaikan serpihan permata yang berkilauan dan menusuk kalbuku, tidak mungkin akan ku lupakan. Omongan mereka bukanlah sekadar tin kosong tetapi bagaikan kilat, tegas dan penuh bermakna. Mereka tidak lain dan tidak bukan adalah dua guru yang aku anggap seperti kakakku sendiri iaitu Kak Long dan Kak Yus.
Namun coretan aku pada kali ini adalah lebih berkisar kepada diriku sendiri tetapi adikku sendiri yang amat aku kagumi. Jika aku lihat pada masa lampau, aku hanya mampu mengucapkan rasa syukur yang amat tinggi kerana dilahirkan dalam keadaan begini. Meskipun ada perkara yang masih agak sukar untuk ku terima seperti keadaan adik aku yang masih lagi lumpuh, sedangkan terasa seperti semalam baru sahaja melihat dia tersenyum tawa riang berlari-larian. Namun aku pasrah. Aku tidak dapat membayangkan sekiranya aku berada di posisi adikku. Mungkin aku sudah hilang arah tujuan untuk hidup. Untuk itu, tiada perkataan yang dapat kuguriskan untuk aku sampaikan bahawa aku sangat menghormati dan kagum dengan kekuatan adikku untuk menerima dirinya seadanya.
Masih kuat lagi di dalam kotak memoriku akan peristiwa yang telah berlaku yang membuatkan aku berasa ingin menitiskan air mata. Tatkala aku memegang kerusi roda adikku untuk mengusungnya ke kuliah di UUM, terasa beban yang amat tinggi yang aku tidak dapat gambarkan meskipun aku cuba lampirkan dalam sejuta patah perkataan sekalipun. Bak kata pepatah, berat mata memandang, berat lagi bahu yang memikul. Saat itu, aku dapat melihat disebalik tenang riak muka adikku, dia menanggung satu rasa pilu yang teramat. Dalam keadaannya yang begitu, dia terpaksa menepis rasa malu yang menebal dan rasa bersalah kerana telah membebankan orang lain. Ya, dia harus mengetepikan air mukanya untuk meminta rakan-rakannya membawanya ke kuliah yang jalannya berbukit-bukau. Di saat aku sedang mengusungnya, aku lihat riak wajahnya yang begitu ceria meskipun ada mata asing yang memandang pelik pada dirinya. Jika diriku berada pada tempatnya, aku pasti akan cuba mengelakkan daripada bertembung dengan pelajar-pelajar lain sebanyak yang mungkin. Mulai saat itu, aku berjanji kepada diriku supaya akan sentiasa cuba untuk berada di sisinya supaya dapat menghantarnya ke kuliah agar dia tidak merasa beban kerana membebankan orang lain dan supaya aku dapat membuatkan dirinya tidak berasa keseorangan di situ.
Air mataku pasti bergenang bila aku teringatkan saat dia berada pada semester yang ke-2. Dengan hanya satu laluan yang tidak mempunyai "ram", adikku terpaksa menengsotkan dirinya untuk turun daripada tangga satu persatu untuk ke kuliah. Aku alihkan pandanganku ke arah lain, cuba untuk tidak menunjukkan betapa pedihnya hatiku melihat keadaannya begitu. Agak menyedihkan bila memerhatikan pelajar-pelajar lelaki lain hanya memerhatikannya sahaja. Dalam hatiku, "Ya Allah, haruskah adikku melalui saat-saat ini setiap hari untuk menghadiri kuliahnya?" Alhamdulilllah, jalan baru dengan "ram" telah dibuka dan adik aku tidak payah lagi untuk menuruni anak-anak tangga untuk ke kuliah.
Hati aku cukup terguris tatkala aku melawatnya di hostelnya yang ketika itu dia hanya melapik perutnya dengan mi "maggi". Betapa dia tidak mahu menyusahkan sesiapa meskipun kakaknya sendiri sehingga dia lebih rela berlaparan. Meskipun tidak dinyatakan pada diriku namun aku tahu waktu itu tiada siapa yang dapat membawanya ke cafeteria untuk membeli makanan tengah hari. Aku salahkan diriku kerana tidak betul-betul menjaga adikku. Lantas aku segera ke cafeteria dan membungkus makanan untuk adikku.
Sehingga saat ini aku enggan untuk pergi melancong ke tempat yang lebih jauh kerana tatkala aku ingin menikmati waktu senangku pasti aku akan teringat akan diri adikku yang hanya mampu berada di rumah dan dengan dunia sibernya. Daripada pancaran matanya aku tahu dia ingin merantau lebih jauh, melihat tempat-tempat yang tidak pernah dilihatnya. Dalam hatiku tahu dia juga ingin menjadi seperti orang lain, mampu merasa makanan enak di restauran yang mewah, ingin bergerak bebas.
Hatiku runtun tatkala adikku mengatakan, "macam mana nak cari kerja, semua tawaran kerja tu hanya untuk orang biasa." Tatkala itu, adikku baru sahaja tamat pengajian ijazahnya. Di tangannya ada borang pemohonan bekerja. Meskipun Ijazah Sajana Muda IT yang diambil namun kesemua tawaran bekerja tidak ada kaitan langsung dengan kursus yang diambilnya. Bahkan, hampir kesemuanya memerlukan pekerja yang sihat tubuh badannya seperti pegawai kastam.
Ya Allah, tabahkanlah hatiku untuk menghadapi masa-masa depan dengan adikku. Dalam hatiku sentiasa terbayang masa nanti di mana kedua-dua orang tuaku tiada siapa lagi yang dapat menjaga adikku.
Maafkan diriku sekiranya sampaianku tidak begitu terang dan bahasaku begitu teruk sekali kerana hanya ini sahaja mampu aku nyatakan dalam bahasa ibundaku sendiri.
Rasa terima kasih juga aku lampirkan buat Ju, Yusri, Mustaqim, Iqbal dan rakan-rakan adikku, Ihsan yang lain yang setia menolong adikku tanpa mengharapkan apa-apa balasan sekalipun. Moga Allah sentiasa memberkati hidup sekalian. Jasa kalian akan sentiasa terpahat di hati.
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
The Irony of Teachers' Day.
This might sound silly and stupid but there is no other way I could find to resolve something that seems so simple but yet hurts me deeply. I am one way of stepping into the mean word of reality. In fact, I am weak at facing it as I'm unable to use my reasoning well to control my emotion. I used to cry a lot when people scolded me and when I grew up till this age, I manage to make sure that those feelings of intimidated and sadness would not overwhelm me again. Up until now, when I am already wearing my name as a teacher, I face quite a lot of new challenges but they are never a hindrance to me. I would always be able to stand on my feet again, motivate myself by telling that everything will be fine. No matter how much and how bad people talked behind my back, saying that I am such an irresponsible person just because I was hospitalised and was not able to mark the English papers, no matter how much the parents have harassed me, no matter how lazy and rude the pupils are, I could still move on and think hardly about ways to help the pupils to score in their examination. Today, just because of one incident, I started to doubt myself whether I would be surviving in this teaching line.
I blamed myself for taking things lightly. Just so for this incident, I was scolded badly by a parent because of tiny little matter. the clinic class for the poor achiever pupils happened to be off the schedule. I didn't realise that I had taken more than the time promised to teach them. It was partly my fault to be blamed for starting the class late and for ending up late but still I couldn't accept the fact that there were parents who are angry when we did not meet the time. It was something out of my hand because the celebration went off late. I could see that he was angry because he had troubled himself by searching for his son all over the place till he wanted to make a police report. Pity the son because I know he was so eager to learn English. He confessed to me that when I started to teach him, he begins to like English and he begins to understand better with me being his teacher. Of course to me, it is such a great motivation to teach him and I would not mind to use up my free time to teach him so that he would have better understanding if I do a personal tutoring to him.
Yet, when I think of his father's saying " kalau jadual tak tetap, macam mana ni? Tak boleh ker semua cikgu menepati masa seperti mana yang dijadualkan? Kalau macam ni, susah la mak bapak."
I was struck with silence and truly, deeply hurt at that moment and I could not believe what he said. My motivation to teach shattered at that very moment and my emotion started to stir up. Plus, I was facing another tough situation which made myself wanted to take MC for two weeks. My friend was saying that she was so unlucky when she came to this school as nothing good has ever happened to her. On Teachers' Day, she whined that she didn't like the present from other teacher during the exchanging present session, saying that getting a stove would actually show a sign that she could not transfer to other school. At the same time, the present that she should give to other teacher was stolen by a student to give to other teacher made her cry without stop. It was the first time I saw her like that and it added more tangles to my already unstable emotion.
My head was spinning and I told myself that everything will be back to normal once I had a good sleep and with one day worth of holiday I can make my emotion back to zero. I was wrong as that matter was still lingering in my head and the tears that I had tried hardly to hold finally broke down and I could feel my chest was in pain, as if somebody was stabbing it. I could not accept few things from that parent's attitude. Firstly, how could he be so meticulous on such good thing about that? It is not like I was asking his son to do something so wasteful. I was doing the clinic for the sake of his son and I did not even ask any penny for that. It was supposed to be the day that I should relax myself because it was after all Teachers' Day. Plus, with my health condition like that, I made myself forget about the fatigue due to a restless day. I was willing to sacrifice my precious free time just because I wanted to help his son.
Until today I could not gain the motivation that I used to have before this. I tried to reason myself, telling myself that there are other teachers who experience worse thing than what I am facing now. I feel like stopping the whole idea of wanting to have clinic classes for the pupils just because I feel that not only my effort but other teachers as well are not being appreciated.
I blamed myself for taking things lightly. Just so for this incident, I was scolded badly by a parent because of tiny little matter. the clinic class for the poor achiever pupils happened to be off the schedule. I didn't realise that I had taken more than the time promised to teach them. It was partly my fault to be blamed for starting the class late and for ending up late but still I couldn't accept the fact that there were parents who are angry when we did not meet the time. It was something out of my hand because the celebration went off late. I could see that he was angry because he had troubled himself by searching for his son all over the place till he wanted to make a police report. Pity the son because I know he was so eager to learn English. He confessed to me that when I started to teach him, he begins to like English and he begins to understand better with me being his teacher. Of course to me, it is such a great motivation to teach him and I would not mind to use up my free time to teach him so that he would have better understanding if I do a personal tutoring to him.
Yet, when I think of his father's saying " kalau jadual tak tetap, macam mana ni? Tak boleh ker semua cikgu menepati masa seperti mana yang dijadualkan? Kalau macam ni, susah la mak bapak."
I was struck with silence and truly, deeply hurt at that moment and I could not believe what he said. My motivation to teach shattered at that very moment and my emotion started to stir up. Plus, I was facing another tough situation which made myself wanted to take MC for two weeks. My friend was saying that she was so unlucky when she came to this school as nothing good has ever happened to her. On Teachers' Day, she whined that she didn't like the present from other teacher during the exchanging present session, saying that getting a stove would actually show a sign that she could not transfer to other school. At the same time, the present that she should give to other teacher was stolen by a student to give to other teacher made her cry without stop. It was the first time I saw her like that and it added more tangles to my already unstable emotion.
My head was spinning and I told myself that everything will be back to normal once I had a good sleep and with one day worth of holiday I can make my emotion back to zero. I was wrong as that matter was still lingering in my head and the tears that I had tried hardly to hold finally broke down and I could feel my chest was in pain, as if somebody was stabbing it. I could not accept few things from that parent's attitude. Firstly, how could he be so meticulous on such good thing about that? It is not like I was asking his son to do something so wasteful. I was doing the clinic for the sake of his son and I did not even ask any penny for that. It was supposed to be the day that I should relax myself because it was after all Teachers' Day. Plus, with my health condition like that, I made myself forget about the fatigue due to a restless day. I was willing to sacrifice my precious free time just because I wanted to help his son.
Until today I could not gain the motivation that I used to have before this. I tried to reason myself, telling myself that there are other teachers who experience worse thing than what I am facing now. I feel like stopping the whole idea of wanting to have clinic classes for the pupils just because I feel that not only my effort but other teachers as well are not being appreciated.
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